
Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform

Under-insurance is a key global challenge in property owners and insurers, with 80% of properties under-insured by as much as 50%.

The Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform, from Intelligent AI, automates the rebuild cost validation process for Insurers, Brokers, Chartered Surveyors and property owners, delivering faster and higher accuracy portfolio valuations at a much lower cost to significantly reduce portfolio exposure for insurers and brokers, and ensuring that property owners are fully covered in the event of a claim.

a mobile phone displaying the Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform
Picture of modern skyscrapers with the camera looking up towards the sky

Automated Rebuild Cost Valuations

The Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform revolutionises the Insurance and Chartered Surveyor industries by brings together Open Data, Data Analytics, Proprietary Data, AI Extracted Data and Satellite Earth Observation, with the aim of fully automate the rebuild cost validation process and delivering validated reinstatement valuations in seconds rather than Days or Weeks.

Insurers, Brokers, Chartered Surveyors and Commercial Property Owners can now deliver faster, lower cost and more accurate valuations for single buildings or portfolios of 1000’s of buildings

A tablet device displaying the Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform

Access Professional Valuation Data

Developed through Lloyd’s Lab (The Lloyd’s of London Innovation Lab), together with leading insurers, brokers and chartered surveyors, the Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform automates the delivery of all the key property data and valuations to address the challenge of under-insurance

  • Address validation
  • Geocoding
  • Occupancy
  • Footprint and height
  • Number of stories
  • Cost per square meter
  • Demolition cost
  • Building Cost
  • Extended Construction
  • Design & Professional Fees
  • Planning
  • Locality Costs
  • External Costs
  • plus Maps, External Imagery and Satellite
A screenshot of the Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform's valuation summary'

Complete Portfolio Analysis

Insurers face huge exposure, with large portfolios of properties where reinstatement valuations are on average can be 30%+ under-insures. On Portfolios of even a few hundred commercial buildings, exposure can be in the £billions.

The Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform, from Intelligent AI, enables Insurers, Brokers and Property Portfolio Owners to analyse tens of thousands of properties to quickly identify under-insurance exposure and drill down by portfolio, type of properties regions and customers.

A tablet device displaying the portfolio view within the Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform

Contact For A Demo Today

We would love to show you how fast, accurate and truly innovative the Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform is. Feedback from Lloyd’s Lab, Insurer Customers and Leading Chartered Surveyors has been amazing.

The Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform reduces the cost of rebuild cost valuations to enable whole portfolios to be assessed every year and to eradicate under-insurance, delivering assessment in seconds rather than days or weeks.


a mobile phone displaying the Intelligent Rebuild Cost Platform

Talk to our experts and get started.

Contact us today to hear about our launch discounts and see how quickly and accurately we can deliver rebuild cost valuations.


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